AXIOM Selection 02

AXIOM Selection 02

2018 7.21-8.18

– Azsa West
– 藤元翔平 / Shohei Fujimoto


Azsa West|エイジア・ウエスト

2011年にはアートブック「Nature Study on Lonesome Island」が出版され、これまでNew York Times、Vice、Ad Busters、 Nowness、Huffington Post、 Creativity、Girls Like Us、CMYK、Wall Street Journal 、Fast Companyなどの出版物で自身の作品が取り上げられている。

She originally from a small, haunted surf town in California- she grew up raised by dolphins, skaters, and a graphic designer that believed
in aliens.

She studied photography and illustration at California College of the Arts and graduated from W+K 12 (like Hogwarts but for muggles) with
an emphasis on ideation, art direction and writing. Azsa has exhibited works in Los Angeles, Portland, New York, Brazil, Sydney, Paris and
Tokyo. A book of her drawings, “Nature Study on Lonesome Island,” was published in 2011.

Her work has been featured in publications such as New York Times, Vice, Ad Busters, Nowness, Huffington Post, Creativity, Girls Like Us,
Its Nice That, Put A Egg On It, CMYK, Good Magazine, Wall Street Journal and Fast Company.



村上大陸 Riku Murakami

1996年生まれ現在21歳。大学を一年経たずに休学したのち東京で日本酒、スニーカー、VR等複数の事業を行う。VRの会社を経営している際、軽トラの上にモバイルハウスをセルフビルドし自宅兼オフィスにしていた。モバイルハウス生活をしながらVirtual RealityとRealityの違いを思考しているとVRの「V」などいらないことに気づいたため、モバイルハウスの事業に転換し現在に至る。

Born in 1996. 21 years old. Has established several business such as selling Japanese sake, sneaker and VR company. Was using mobilehouse
as a mobile office when he was doing a VR business. When he was thinking about a difference between the virtual reality and reality,
he realised virtual is not needed. Then he changed the business to mobilehouse business from VR and established SAMPO with co-founder.

塩浦一彗 Issui Shioura

1993年生まれ現在25歳。3.11の二日後、親に飛ばされミラノに避難。いつの間にか6年間ヨーロッパにいてしまう。ミラノの高校を卒業しロンドンに渡りUCL,Bartlettで建築を学ぶ。2016年に帰国し建築新人戦2016最優秀新人賞受賞。その後、建築事務所に就職。都市計画等Internationalなプロジェクトに携わるが、Top downの都市の開発に疑問を覚え、元々興味を持っていた動く家、対話するための現代版茶室、家賃を払わなくていい家を体現するためにSAMPOを村上大陸と立ち上げ今に至る。

Born in e1993. Right after the eat Japan earth quake. Stayed in Europe for 6 years.
After graduated high-school in Milan. Went to UCL Bartlett in London to study architecture.
Then came back to Japan in 2016 and won the best rookie prize. Then worked in the Arata isozaki’s atelier. Was involved in international
project such as urban planning. But started questioning then point of doing the top-down urban plannin. And established SAMPO to realise
mobilehousing, tea ceremony to have a dialog and the house without rent.



2014年にTM COMME des GARCONS(表参道,paris,NY)やGOTO FLORIST(六本木)、2017年に日本橋三越中央ホールで「感性」や「消費」に対しての視点を訴えるインスタレーションを行い、2015年に南青山に文化啓蒙型の期間限定会員制ショップをオープンしたように、作品だけでなく、空間や見せ方や売り方含めた活動の全てに社会に向けたメッセージが込められています。

Graduated from Keio University / Bunka Fashion College. Sets up for himself after experiences of planning and designing for a collection
brand. Established ONLINEDRAWING, the maison to create works with the subject of fashion, in 2013.

In 2014, we had an installation to speak the view point against “emotion” and “consumption” at TM COMME des GARCONS (in Omotesando,
Paris and New York) as well as GOTO FLORIST (in Roppongi). In 2015, we opened a cultural enlightenment type members-only shop in Minami-
Aoyama. We do not limit our expressions to our creations, but we have messages for society in all of our works, including the space, the way
to show and the way to sell.


藤元翔平 / Shohei Fujimoto

モジュール性や繰り返しの性質に着目し、それらから得られる視覚的パターンが及ぼす感覚を探求している。主な展示に21_21 DESIGN SIGHT企画展「動きのカガク展」、神戸ビエンナーレなど。


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